Monday, September 7, 2009

Carolina Beach & Butter

On Friday, Doris and I went to Carolina Beach for a relaxing two days. We left the Inn at about 11:00am and go to the condo about 1:30pm. Not a bad drive at all. Our neighbors have this one bedroom condo with a nice view of the ocean. They let us rent it for the two days since it was not rent that week, normally they rent it by the week. We had a great time relaxing watching the sun rise and in the evenings, the moon rise on the horizon. The last night, the moon was full and a beautiful reddish-orange ball just as it rose above the ocean horizon. Very peaceful looking.

Went into town and had a couple of good meals. We went to one restaurant called Bowman's. I was a little skeptical of the broiled flounder because the waitress explained that it was cooked in a microwave! Quite unusual for me... but I agreed to try it. It was good... not fabulous, but good and quite a large portion. The baked potato was good although the margarine is not my favorite topping. At least the sour cream was real.

That is one thing I do not get down here in the South... real butter is very hard to find. Everyone eats margarine. You would think in land of fat back, lard, bacon grease... you'd think that butter would be one of the major food groups in the South. I know many people think margarine is healthier for you, however, only the spreadable ones may be better than butter.... and I think there is more and more research coming out that shows that butter may be better if only from the stand point that it is naturally occurring. Yeah, it has to be churned, but margarine is nothing but a chemically processed food. Natural is more agreeable to the body than anything that is chemically altered or processed for consumption. I have to believe that Southerners used and even made their own butter years ago, but for some crazy reason, margarine has been in the majority of restaurants and even homes. We can only hope for the Good Olde Days. Today is Labor Day, a day to sit back and rest.... ironic, isn't it?!

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